Renounceable two (2)-call rights issue of up to RM266,012,475 nominal value of 2% 10-year irredeemable convertible unsecured loan stocks ("ICULS") at 100% of the nominal value of RM0.15 each (or equivalent of up to 1,773,416,498 ICULS), with the first cash call amount of RM0.07 per ICULS payable immediately upon acceptance/application and the second non-cash call amount of RM0.08 per ICULS payable out of the share premium account of Advance Synergy Berhad ("ASB" or "Company"), on the basis of RM0.525 nominal value of ICULS (or equivalent to 3.5 ICULS) for every one (1) ordinary share of RM1.00 each in ASB ("ASB Share") held ("Rights Issue")..
Kindly be advised of the following :
1) The above Company's securities will be traded and quoted [ "Ex - Rights Issue" ]
as from : [ 21 December 2007 ]
2) The last date of lodgement : [ 26 December 2007 ]
3) Retention Money : Where securities are not delivered in time for registration by the seller, then the brokers concerned :-
a) Selling Broker to deduct [ 3.5/4.5 ] , of the Selling Price against the Selling Client.
b) Buying Broker to deduct [ 10% ] of the Purchase Price against the Buying Client.
c) Between Broker and Broker, the deduction of [ 3.5/4.5 ] of the Transacted Price is applicable.